Be a part of the FIRST 150

Can twice-weekly movement, meditation, and mindfulness take your stress level from an “8” to a “4” in just four weeks?

We believe so.

We’re working with Utah State, Summit County, and non-profit organizations to create a new evidence-based stress-reduction program. You’re invited to help us learn what’s possible.

FIRST 150 research participants get four weeks FREE; there is no obligation to continue. Class size maximum is 25 people. We measure your flexibility, balance, strength, and mental wellness throughout the program.

Choose the best twice-weekly time slot for you. If you are unable to attend one of your sessions, simply join an alternate day/time.

Join at any time. All classes are 75 minutes in length.

The Right Mat 

New students can purchase an instructional Liforme mat at a steep discount. These amazing mats are made of recycled material, are extremely grippy, and have alignment lines that we using in class to make learning easy.

A clear path with measurable results.

  • Clear instruction

  • Consistent practice

  • A simple roadmap

Join the YMI FIRST 150 to start your journey..